This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Antispam for all fields


Plugin to reject spam. Port from same author from
Actually visits the URL from commenter to spider for spamwords.
Also checks using API
Compatible with many other anti spam plugins such as Akismet
Plugin does a lot more such as (this list does not cover all antispam functions present):
* Count for number of web-URI’s in comment
* Count on email, IP, URI compared with allready spammed comments
* Checks trackbacks and pingbacks for a valid IP adres (IP visitor must be same as webserver)
* Detailed information by email about the spammed comment. You can approve the comment later on, or blacklist the IP adres.
* Future feature: Add hidden fields with random names
Need PHP5 on your webserver. Does not work on PHP4 webservers.

Coding by: Twitter profile More plugins



  1. Upload directory antispam-for-all-fields to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.


Installation Instructions
  1. Upload directory antispam-for-all-fields to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
I have a lot of questions and I want support where can I go? or drop me a tweet to notify me of your support topic over here.
I always check my tweets, so mention my name with @ramonfincken and your problem.


3 верасня, 2016 1 reply
It certainly blocks spam, but it blocked my own comments (while logged in as admin) as well. The url for my account didn’t contain the keyword that was given as the basis for rejection. So, unusable for me, unless I check every comment – but that’s no better than moderating every comment anyway, and has the disadvantage of comments being deleted after 7 days. The email also doesn’t tell which blog post (neither title or url) the comment was made on. But much potential, so I’m giving 2 stars rather than 1.
Read all 2 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Antispam for all fields” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




Added: User agent empty -> drop comment
Bugfix: Changed URL count for https. It checks http and https now.


Added: Hello/test messages, instant block
Added: Filter to allow NON admins to see the antispam pages: apply_filters( ‘afaf_is_allowed’, false )


Added: Retrieve proxy IP, props to
Bugfix: Button in backend acted weird and could not be clicked, fixed now


Changed: txt file
Bugfix: preg_replace headers sent


Bugfix: division by zero (ajax)
Added: 2nd run for word checking ..
Added: Refer check, thanks to: Antispam Extra V 0.2 By Budhiman


Bugfix: Wrong param order for spamword check, sorry!!
Changed: Update msg only shows in backend


Added: IP whois link in email to admin
Added: Incorporated “No comments without proper HTTP referer” by “Antispam Extra V 0.2 By Budhiman”
Changed: string_is_spam function
Added: Useragent spam check


Added: Lots of (more then 25%) dots in mail and free-email


Added: Trackback and pingback stage 1, based on Simple trackback validation with topsy blocker Stage 1


Added: New spam definitions


Bugfix: Framework did not work on multisite, is_admin() problem.
If anyone could help me with that ? 🙂


Changed: Small settings check


Added: Upgrade manager
Added: Added new word to spamlist
Added: Stopforumspam IP and email check
Added: Protection against random website nofollow random etc. See source code for more info


Changed: Do not sent an email if IP is blacklisted
Changed: Do IP blacklist check first
Changed: IP blacklist now also checks for trackbacks and trackbacks
Added: Remove all records with same mail address OR same URL for this IP


“So fine I scipped a number”
Added: if IP-adress is present in your WordPress blacklist (see Settings -> Discussion -> Blacklist), reject comment from that IP-adress
Added: if IP-adress is present in your WordPress blacklist, prevent double enties


Bugfix: used $this instead of $afaf object for IP purposes, sorry!


Added: nice wp-die message if a comment is held for moderation
Changed: if you blacklist an IP adress, also delete the comment


Bugfix: Private function instead of protected, causing the wordlist to halt on error


Bugfix: Limit bug (array)..


Bugfix: Random nonce was given multiple times


Bugfix: Counter
Added: GUI, you can set thresholds and edit/add/delete spamwords to search for
Added: Mail with more details
Changed: Core file and admin_menu file
Added: Store comment for 7 days, email contains a link to approve comment or blacklist the IP adres


Bugfix: plugin_antispam_for_all_fields_stats for spammed stats
Added: Check for number of websites in comment, if above 10 then spam comment


Bugfix: forgot to report status, fix that will run once is included.
Fix triggers when a new comment is submitted.
Added counter
Changed wordlist a bit


Implemented visit of URL of commenter to spider for spamwords.


First release