This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

PrestaShop Integration


This plugins defines four widgets and various shortcodes to integrate WordPress and PrestaShop release 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 or 1.7.

This plugins defines a shortcode that can be used to display products on your blog. Only products list has been defined by using [ps_product_list id_category=X n=C p=P tpl=TPL] where X is the category id of the category you want to display (by default the home category 1 is used), C is the number of product you want to display (by default 10), P is the page number (by default 1) and TPL is the Smarty template to use (by default product-list.tpl). You may replace id_category by id_product list of product ids separated by comma.

Note that the module will import the current theme of PrestaShop to your blog (both CSS and Javascript) but this is optional since 0.6. Generally you need a WordPress theme that is translated from the PrestaShop theme : it need to have the same XHTML layout and you have to replace PrestaShop HOOK markers by widget area in your blog theme, maybe like this :

<div class="prestashop-sidebar"><ul class="xoxo">
  <?php dynamic_sidebar( 'hooktop-widget-area' ); ?>
</ul></div><!-- .prestashop-sidebar -->

Furthermore, you may need to replace internal Javascript library by the PrestaShop one to avoid conflicts. For more information about the plugin, please check PrestaShop Integration page in french.

The available widgets are :

PrestaShop Integration Hook

This widget is used to insert one of the main PrestaShop hooks :

  • Top of pages
  • Left column block
  • Right column block
  • Дно

PrestaShop Integration Module

This widget is used to insert a PrestaShop module directly, the module must be attached to one of the main hooks to be displayed.

PrestaShop Integration Products

This widget is used to display the product list attached to a WordPress post. If there are no product attached, no output is made. This widget has been obsoleted by the following one.

PrestaShop Integration Template

This widget is used to display a tpl file, it may include a product list according to product attached to current post. You may still display the template even if no product have been attached to the current post.


  1. Upload prestashop-integration folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Configure the plugin to set the relative path to the PrestaShop installation
  4. Use an almost empty theme created from your PrestaShop theme XHTML layout
  5. Add PrestaShop Integration widgets to the appropriate sidebars


Does the plugin work with PrestaShop 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3 ?

No, the plugin will not work with any PrestaShop older than 1.4 because the internal structure of PrestaShop has been improved since 1.4 by using a FrontController class. This plugin add support by adding a specific controller for integration with WordPress. It could be possible to add support for PrestaShop 1.3 or older, but it need to be coded. So to get support for PrestaShop Integration, the better is that you upgrade your PrestaShop to at least 1.4 series. You will get furthermore newer functionnalities and bug fixes.

Does the plugin work with PrestaShop 1.4 ?

Yes, it should. But If It doesn’t work, you may need to update PrestaShop autoload behaviour as indicated below.

PrestaShop 1.4 is an old version now, and has not been tested with this release. If your installation is working nicely, please do not update as the 0.9.1 release only add features for newer PrestaShop.

Does the plugin work with PrestaShop 1.5 ?

Yes, only since version 0.8 which is still compatible with PrestaShop 1.4.

Does the plugin work with PrestaShop 1.6 ?

Yes, at least using 0.9.1 (0.9 may be working on some case, but new themes structure may have been hard to integrate).

Does the plugin work with PrestaShop 1.7 ?

Yes, at least using 0.9.4 but you may need to patch PrestaShop classes/controller/Controller.php as follows in order to force ajax request to save cookie :

--- classes/controller/Controller.php.orig     2018-11-06 20:24:21.000000000 +0000
+++ classes/controller/Controller.php   2019-03-05 07:42:15.960964683 +0000
@@ -687,6 +687,9 @@
         Hook::exec('actionBeforeAjaxDie'.$controller.$method, array('value' => $value));
         Hook::exec('actionAjaxDie'.$controller.$method.'Before', array('value' => $value));

+       if (isset(Context::getContext()->cookie))
+               Context::getContext()->cookie->write();

PrestaShop 1.7 can be easier to integrate natively as a lot of small files are included, furthermore inclusion of template files with variable are not yet supported, so you will have to take care of them being made from smarty directly. For example, including a _partials/stylesheet.tpl file will be done like that (do not forget templates leading directory) :

<?php ps_include( 'templates/_partials/stylesheets.tpl' ); ?>

A new function ps_body_class is an helper function to automatically adds body classes for PrestaShop (inspired from the body_class function of WordPress). Here is an example for adding the class layout-left-column but removing the class layout-full-width given by PrestaShop :

<body id="wordpress" <?php body_class( ps_body_classes( 'layout-left-column', 'layout-full-width' ) ); ?>>

Another example for a typical footer.php PHP calls juste before the </body> line (ps_get_template_vars() has been improved to simplify access to $javascript.bottom smarty expression here) :

<?php ps_set_template_vars( 'javascript', ps_get_template_vars( 'javascript', 'bottom' ) ); ?>
<?php ps_include( 'templates/_partials/javascript.tpl' ); ?>
<?php ps_hook( 'displayBeforeBodyClosingTag' ); ?>
<?php wp_footer(); ?>

The above code is the direct translation of the PrestaShop 1.7 template code :

{block name='javascript_bottom'}
  {include file="_partials/javascript.tpl" javascript=$javascript.bottom}
{block name='hook_before_body_closing_tag'}
  {hook h='displayBeforeBodyClosingTag'}

Does the plugin work with PrestaShop 8.x ?

Maybe, sorry it has been untested yet, as PrestaShop 1.7 may be supported it may work as well.

Does the plugin work with PhenixSuite ?

Yes, PhenixSuite is a fantastic fork of PrestaShop 1.6 and support PHP 8.X as well as many other bugs fixed. It is a good alternative if you do not want to upgrade to PrestaShop 1.7 or 8.X.

You can get more information at EoliaShop page about PhenixSuite.

Does the plugin work with PrestaShop multishop mode and/or WordPress multisite ?

Yes, it should work. Note that the version 0.9.8 has been fixed to use the right PrestaShop favicon to import, or the may shop favicon may be used.

Furthermore, it may be needed to fix classes/shpop/Shop.php file to choose the right shop according to domain used. A new feature was added in version 0.9.8 to “import” PrestaShop frontpage for the WordPress frontpage but notice that no links are changed and duplicate content may appear if you do not take care.

The plugin has been tested with a single PrestaShop shop and WordPress multisite and with both multishop and multisite.

I can’t access my WordPress frontpage due to a redirection to the PrestaShop frontpage

If you are using PrestaShop 1.5 and you installed WordPress in root of your hosting and PrestaShop in a subdirectory, you will get this error. You need to patch PrestaShop file classes/shop/Shop.php as follows :

--- classes/shop/Shop.php.orig        2013-01-07 09:18:32.000000000 +0100
+++ classes/shop/Shop.php       2013-01-07 09:25:26.000000000 +0100
@@ -368,6 +368,9 @@
                        if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($default_shop))
                                throw new PrestaShopException('Shop not found');

+                       if (defined('PRESTASHOP_INTEGRATION_VERSION')) {
+                               $shop = $default_shop;
+                       } else {
                        $params = $_GET;
                        if (!Configuration::get('PS_REWRITING_SETTINGS'))
@@ -388,6 +391,7 @@
                        header('location: '.$url);
+                       }

But you may notice other redirection which should be deactivated also, according to your PrestaShop version.

The patch below is for a PrestaShop 1.6 version :

--- classes/shop/Shop.php.orig  2015-03-05 09:03:41.340455129 +0100
+++ classes/shop/Shop.php       2016-02-11 20:57:05.779965183 +0100
@@ -345,6 +345,8 @@

                        // If an URL was found but is not the main URL, redirect to main URL
+                       /* BEGIN HACK : do not redirect */
+                       if (!defined('PRESTASHOP_INTEGRATION_VERSION'))
                        if ($through && $id_shop && !$is_main_uri)

@@ -362,6 +364,7 @@
+                       /* END HACK */

                $http_host = Tools::getHttpHost();
@@ -401,7 +404,11 @@
                                // Hmm there is something really bad in your Prestashop !
                                if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($default_shop))
                                        throw new PrestaShopException('Shop not found');
+                               if (defined('PRESTASHOP_INTEGRATION_VERSION')) {
+                                       // HACK for PrestaShop Integration
+                                       $params['id_shop'] = $id_shop = $default_shop->id;
+                                       $shop = $default_shop;
+                               } else {
                                $params = $_GET;
                                $url = $default_shop->domain;
@@ -422,6 +429,7 @@
                                header('HTTP/1.0 '.$redirect_type.' Moved');
                                header('location: http://'.$url);
+                               }
                        elseif (defined('_PS_ADMIN_DIR_') && empty($shop->physical_uri))

This bug is caused by PrestaShop trying to figure out which shop is used as it support now the multishop feature. The way it is done is causing the bug, the patch above is mandatory to avoid a redirection being made to the default shop.

I get an error message about autoloader

You may be using a WordPress plugin that use PHP autoloader, but PrestaShop assume it is the only one using PHP autoloader : you need to modify the config/autoload.php file by changing the name of the function (for example : __autoload_prestashop) and to add at the end of the file the following line :


Note that PS 1.6 has fixed this problem, you do not need to patch the code anymore.

If a customer logon in PrestaShop, informations about the user/cart is lost in WordPress

You need to patch PrestaShop cookie management because this problems occurs where PrestaShop is installed in a child directory of WordPress. Please replace the $this->_path in setcookie invocation by simply '/'. This will make the cookie available to WordPress. you may use override functionnality in PrestaShop to simplify PrestaShop update in the future.

Here is a code sample below if the shop is in a subdirectory and the wordpress in ‘/’ from class/Cookie.php :

if (PHP_VERSION_ID <= 50200) { /* PHP version > 5.2.0 */
            return setcookie($this->_name, $content, $time, '/' /* $this->_path */, $this->_domain, $this->_secure);
        } else {
            return setcookie($this->_name, $content, $time, '/' /* $this->_path */, $this->_domain, $this->_secure, true);

If you try to use two distinct domains for the blog and the shop, it will not work and it is not fixable. At least you need to use two subdomains of the same domain for the blog and the shop, and apply the cookie management to the common domain.

This patch is not necessary when WordPress is installed in a child directory of PrestaShop installation, typically named blog.

I get Javascript errors about missing variables

You are probably using PrestaShop 1.6 and the theme has a special file called global.tpl wich collect all the JS variable you need to include it manually as follow in header.tpl (or footer.tpl if you have chosen to move JS code at the end) :

<?php ps_include( 'global.tpl' ); ?>

I have a custom hook in my theme, how to I put it ?

You have a specific public function for that, for example for the custom hook displayBanner you can put in your WordPress theme :

<?php ps_hook( 'displayBanner' ); ?>

I get others JavaScript errors

This plugin does not sync PrestaShop and WordPress set of JavaScript ! Jquery is used by both PrestaShop and WordPress, but PrestaShop generally uses old JS files, and WordPress newer version… So in order to avoid conflicts and so on, you may consider something like that (if your PrestaShop is using JQuery 1.11.0, please check, you may need to add other scripts as well) :

function mytheme_init() {
        if ( !is_admin() ) {
                wp_deregister_script( 'jquery' );
                wp_register_script( 'jquery', '', array(), '1.11.0' );
                wp_enqueue_style( 'jquery' );
add_action( 'init', 'mytheme_init' );

I cannot configure the widgets

Sorry about that but you need the plugin Classic Widget for all the 0.9 release to be able to configure them. If I have enough time I will add the bloc widget functionnalities to 1.X release of PrestaShop Integration.


18 ліпеня, 2018
Merci, Merci, Merci !
3 верасня, 2016
I have installed it, and I just get a blank page on my WordPress installation, with this error in the log. PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of PrestaShopIntegration_FrontController::displayHeader() should be compatible with FrontControllerCore::displayHeader($display = true) in /home/nut/public_html/guia/wp-content/plugins/prestashop-integration/class/prestashop-integration-controller.php on line 25 I tried the hack suggested in the FAQ, but it causes the Prestashop install to crash. It seems the author is not very active anymore, so I’ll quickly develop the feature I need.
Read all 13 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“PrestaShop Integration” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • fixed missing prestashop-integration.php updates


  • improved display of widgets if products are associated to post/page, you have not 3 choices : always displays, display only if products are defined or display only if no product is defined
  • added another safety check to let WordPress manage page if variable rest_route is defined
  • tested with PhenixSuite up to (PhenixSuite is a fantastic fork of PrestaShop 1.6 working with PHP 8+ still compatible with PrestaShop 1.6)


  • fixed bad use of function_exists instead of method_exists (may cause javascript errors)


  • fixed compatibility of ps_product_list with PrestaShop 1.7 on somes cases (tested with, thanks to spix)


  • fixed compatibility problems with old 1.5.0 PrestaShop (Media::getJsDef() undefined)
  • changed PrestaShopIntegration_FrontController::displayHeader() signature


  • fixed internal getProducts() used in multi-shop
  • fixed ps_product_list shortcode with PrestaShop 1.7 (was not working at all) but need a specific tpl to work

  • fixed previous fix…


  • fixed detection of frontpage in some cases


  • fixed favicon import in multishop
  • new feature added : allow WordPress frontpage to be replaced with PrestaShop frontpage on option


  • take care of Wordfence if home page is handled by PrestaShop (in case of fusion of PrestaShop and WordPress)


  • added ps_get_hook() function like ps_hook() but returning value instead of printing it


  • fixed missing version update in prestashop-integration.php file


  • added support for PrestaShop 1.7 (tested with PS only)
  • method getTemplateVars or function ps_template_vars now has a second optional parameter for better integration with PrestaShop 1.7
  • added function ps_body_vars to ease integrate PrestaShop 1.7
  • fixed usage of homepage by PrestaShop to force using WordPress when MailPoet stats are used or draft post is displayed


  • fixed documentation


  • updated FAQ for custom hook and global.tpl
  • added specific feature : if both JS and CSS are not imported then the HOOK_HEADER is not written


  • add support to use PrestaShop and WordPress in the same directory with an option to render by PrestaShop or WordPress (WordPress should be installed after, or index.php in the top directroy should be the WordPress one)
  • added support for easier integration of PrestaShop 1.5/1.6 themes (new global function ps_hook, ps_get_store, ps_get_stores)
  • added support for multiple shop in PrestaShop and multisite in WordPress (ps_product_list shortcode accepts id_shop, id_country and id_currency additional parameter, please do not use them with PrestaShop 1.4 as it is untested)
  • added new shortcode to display module : ps_module
  • added new shortcode to display hook : ps_hook
  • added new shortcode to make thing simple : ps_template_vars
  • added new shortcode to include product image : ps_product_image


  • fixed setMedia() invocation for PrestaShop and above
  • added many global function for easier integration with PrestaShop in WordPress theme : ps_l, ps_include, ps_template_vars, ps_get_template_vars, ps_set_template_vars, ps_page_link
  • fixed PrestaShop page name under WordPress
  • fixed JS insertion under WordPress to be earlier
  • added new shortcode : ps_new_product to display new products
  • added new widget : Template Widget to display a template with some Smarty variables instanciated (causing Products Widget to be obsoleted)


  • added a global warning in admin pages if the plugin is not well configured


  • really fix the warning as stated in 0.8.1
  • added missing smarty variables as indicated by madn3ss75
  • try to avoid execution error when the plugin is badly (or not) configured
  • updated french translation


  • fixed a warning inspired by Prestance Design resolution (see support forum)
  • fixed redirection when PrestaShop 1.5 installation is under WordPress one (see FAQ)


  • add support for PrestaShop 1.4.9 and 1.5
  • added missing documentation about the two new widget introduced in 0.7
  • define a smarty variable {$prestashop_integration} to access the class object directly
  • added fix from bubatalazi from WordPress support forum


  • use blog language to integrate PrestaShop (if no corresponding language found in PrestaShop, fallback to default language)
  • add support for WPML for finding blog language
  • add support for Polylang for finding blog language
  • added new widget to handle product list without hooks widget
  • added new widget to handle module directly without hooks widget
  • added feature to attach product to a post


  • added configuration for importing PrestaShop CSS, JS and favicon
  • added checking for existence of FrontController class to activate internal controller
  • improved [ps_product_list] shortcode to use id_product and a specific smarty template


  • try to protect WordPress execution from PrestaShop importation


  • another readme.txt fix


  • fixed readme.txt and plugin header


  • added french translation
  • first available version


  • initial internal version