Plugin Tag: media library
Featured Link Image
(4 total ratings)Add a meta box in the Links add/edit page for easy uploading/inserting images in your bookmarks.
Upload Media Exif Date
(2 total ratings)When registering images in the media library, register with the date of EXIF information.
SMNTCS Image Dimensions
(4 total ratings)Shows the image dimension and the image file size in the media library.
iFolders – Ultimate Folder Organizer for Media Library, Pages, Posts and Users
(9 total ratings)Take control of your media library, posts, pages, and other content with our folder manager. Organize your WordPress data into specific categories.
Youtube Thumbnail as Featured Image
(4 total ratings)Use a YouTube Thumbnail as a Featured Image for a WordPress Post. You only have to set a YouTue Video URL and the plugin does the rest.
Media Library Filter
(3 total ratings)Filter the media in your library by the taxonomies and terms with which they are associated.
Bubuku Media Library
(5 total ratings)Plugin to easily know if an image is large or not, it also shows if the image has the Alt text.
HTML5 Videos
(4 total ratings)Easily embed HTML5 videos from the Media Library into posts and pages.
External files in media library
(3 total ratings)Add external files to your media library to link or embed them in your website. They will be integrated as if they were locally available.
Bulk-Select Featured Image
(14 total ratings)Allows you to select Featured Image / post thumbnail for your posts directly from the media library view.
Image Rights
(2 total ratings)Adds additional fields for setting image credits in the media library.
Acclectic Media Organizer
(4 total ratings)A file manager for your media library. Organize your attachments, photos, and other media items into folders, and easily filter items by folder when y …
Better Media Library Fields
(7 total ratings)Displays extra columns (Alternative Text, Caption, Description, Permalink and File URL) in the media library view
Easy search and use CC-licensed images for WP
(1 total ratings)Search millions of CC-licensed images without leaving WordPress editor and use one into your post content or set as featured image very quickly.
More Mime Type Filters
(1 total ratings)Adds to the default Images | Audio | Video filters in the Media Library
NextCellent Media Library Addon
(2 total ratings)This plugin adds a feature to NextCellent Gallery to add an image from the WP Media Library.
Media Library Unsplash
(0 total ratings)Easily add Unsplash photographs to your website instantly without ever leaving WordPress!
Media Library Thumbnail Enhancer
(1 total ratings)Enhances media library thumbnails by making them larger and replacing the bundled icons with scalable SVG versions.
Media Images Widget
(0 total ratings)Requieres PHP 5! You can select images from media Library in the Widgets backend that will be shown on your Page.