Plugin Tag: meta
Maniac SEO
(0 total ratings)Maniac SEO tool check web site, blog is everyday use, handy tool for webmaster, bloger and SEO expert.
Results Count Remix
(0 total ratings)Adds both the number of displayed posts as well as the total number of returned posts to search and archive pages.
Mtags Lite
(0 total ratings)Simple plugin that put description and keywords for all pages and posts of your blog and clean unnecessary info in wp_head() for secure reasons.
Lobot Slider Administrator
(1 total ratings)Creates a slide management interface in the WordPress backend and provides template tags for fetching the slides' information.
WP Term Metadata
(0 total ratings)WP Term Metadata Plugin for retrieving and manipulating metadata of term objects.
ADR Promotion Recommendations
(0 total ratings)This plugin displays relevant promotion recommendations below post content and allows you add them in sidebar as a widget.
Page Title, Description & Open Graph Updater
(0 total ratings)Page Title, Description & Open Graph Updater
Clean Meta Descriptions
(0 total ratings)Removes shortcodes from Yoast meta descriptions. Adds clean meta descriptions if none exist.
(0 total ratings)Omnitags simplifies the insertion of scripts and meta data in the source code, such as SEO meta data, analytics scripts, comments and live chat servic …
Image Meta Save
(0 total ratings)Image Meta Save can be used to add meta data to images and upload them to the WordPress media library.
Habu Plugin
(0 total ratings)Habu's WordPress Plugin. Capturing meta-data functionality across sites.
Hide GTM code
(0 total ratings)The plugin embeds GTM code with minimal impact on your theme and performance, preventing unnecessary measurement.
Single Post Meta Description
(0 total ratings)The easiest way to add in every post page a different meta description tag, located in html head.
Kin Icon Picker
(0 total ratings)Powerful plugin to add icon support to a known custom fields plugin. From developer to developer.
(0 total ratings)Get the right ID for your products when syncing them from WooCommerce to Meta (Facebook and Instagram)
Easy SEO Toolbox
(0 total ratings)Are you looking for an easy way to analyze your wordpress site in order to avoid common SEO pitfalls? No need to hire a SEO specialist, with Easy SEO …
Tidy Head Tag
(0 total ratings)This plugin allows you to organize the contents of the head tag that WordPress automatically outputs.