Plugin Tag: redirect
RedirectTo Plugin
(0 total ratings)Plugin to redirect pages or posts to another sites, pages or posts after some seconds that you can delegate.
Elvez Control Access
(0 total ratings)Control the access of non-logged-in users for each posts and pages.
Easy Bouncer – Redirect by IP
(2 total ratings)Redirect visitors to another web address if their IP address is not on a safe list. Give users access via a passkey url.
(1 total ratings)Adds a configurable layer of confirmation to the redirection to external websites.
WP Random Button
(1 total ratings)Create an elegant button to display a random post in a popup window, increasing click throughs to posts and so much more.
VS Custom Redirects
(0 total ratings)With this lightweight plugin you can set a custom page redirect for the default Login, Logout, Register and Lost Password feature.
Vishwa 301 Redirects
(0 total ratings)Vishwa 301 Redirects provides an easy method of redirecting requests to another page on your site or elsewhere on the web with 301 redirect.
Redirect to page if not logged in
(2 total ratings)Redirects to a concrete page if the user is not logged in.
CPT Single Redirects
(0 total ratings)Use this plugin to set up 301 redirects for the single templates of registered custom post types.
(0 total ratings)Updates Twitter when you create a new blog post utilizing an shortener service of your choice.
Primary Redirect
(2 total ratings)Redirects users to their primary blog's dashboard or special page.
Reblog: redirect new to old
(0 total ratings)Reblog posts: create a new post and redirect to an old one
AA Block country with redirect
(0 total ratings)It's a nice plugin with which you can redirect your visitor according to their country.
Redirect To WP
(1 total ratings)This will help you sync redirects while creating or updating your site posts or pages, This will sync to the redirection plugin or htaccess.
Redirect multisite user to their own site (UNMAINTAINED)
(1 total ratings)Redirect a multisite user to their own site.
Shortener URL Redirect
(0 total ratings)Generate short url for all posts, custom post types and pages to redirect your user to the long URL. No more long URLs share!
Siris Login/Logout Redirect
(1 total ratings)Manage your users login and logout experience with this easy to use plugin.