Plugin Tag: subcategories
WP Categ Menu
(0 total ratings)Description: Widget/shortcodes menu(list or select field) based on posts categories/pages(also for custom post types and custom taxonomies).
(2 total ratings)Search-Into-Subcategories plugin allows you to make a select-search shortcode for your own categories.
WP Current Subcategories
(0 total ratings)After installing WP Current Subcategories go to Widget Areas and add WP Current Subcategories widget: * Title – Choose the Title of Widget Section * P …
(0 total ratings)Create multiple divisions in your site with individual menus, sidebars and header.
Lore Owl SubCat for WC
(0 total ratings)Add a simple Owl Carousel of WooCommerce product subcategories on top of the parent category pages, outside product loop.